
Installing horde on ubuntu

1 529 tavua lisätty, 16. elokuuta 2009 kello 13.02
SyncML synchronization to mobile phone
Edit beginning of create.pgsql.sql to read(subsitute actual password):
As postgresql superuser, run(input the aforementioned SQL password when needed):
psql < create.pgsql.sql
psql horde horde < nag.sql
Edit /etc/horde/horde3/conf.php ; remove first echo and exit lines. Then do the following change:
Now configure horde again, for horde set $conf[share][no_sharing] to OFF and $conf[share][any_group] ON. Also, configure the permissionssystem; add kronolith , turba, mnemo and nag to permission the permissions system. For all the aforementioned apps, grant Show and Read permissions for 1) "All Authenticated Users" and 2) "Guest Permissions".<br><br Now every user can configure sharing of his/her calendar, address book, etc. For example, to share one's calendar, select Calendar app, "Manage Calendars" and select the "keys" icon, then check Show and Read permissions for "Guest Permissions". === SyncML synchronization to mobile phone === The best thing with the setup, IMHO, is the ability to synchronize all the data to a SyncML capable mobile phone. I use Nokia E51, and the synchronization just works. To setup synchronization on phone, do the following: 1. Select Tools => Sync => Options =>New sync profile (don't copy values). Name the profile as Horde. 2. Select Connection settings and set:* Server version "1.2" (I don't really know what this does, but 1.2 has worked for me)* Server ID "" (substitute your own server here)* Data bearer "Internet"* Access point "Always ask"* Host address "" (susbsitute your own server)* Port "80"* User name "(your horde username)"* Password "(your horde password)"* Allow sync requests "Yes"* Accept all sync requests "No"* Network authentication "No"
Now every user can configure sharing of his/her 3. From Horde profile menu, select Applications* Select Contacts and set:** Include in sync "Yes"** Remote database "contacts"** Synchronization type "Both ways"* Select Calendar and set:** Include in sync "Yes"** Remote database "calendar, address book, etc."** Synchronization type "Both ways"* Select Notes and set:** Include in sync "Yes"** Remote database "notes"** Synchronization type "Both ways"
=== Notes: ===
* Make sure, php has at least 32 MB's of memory
* Preference system should be used with the 'SQL database' option