
Installing horde on ubuntu

2 416 tavua lisätty, 16. elokuuta 2009 kello 13.02
SyncML synchronization to mobile phone
Edit beginning of create.pgsql.sql to read(subsitute actual password):
As postgresql superuser, run(input the aforementioned SQL password when needed):
psql < create.pgsql.sql
psql horde horde < nag.sql
Edit /etc/horde/horde3/conf.php ; remove first echo and exit lines. Then do the following change:
$conf['cookie']['path'] = '/';
Edit /etc/horde/horde3/prefs.php to look like following:<br><br>
twentyFour stanza:
'value' => true,
date_format stanza:
'value' => '%Y-%m-%d',
first_week_day stanza:
'value' => '1',
Edit /etc/horde/kronolith2/prefs.php to loog like following:<br><br>
week_start_monday stanza:
'value' => '1',
'webroot' => '',
Change config directory permissions:
chown www-data:www-data /etc/horde/ -R
Web-configure horde from<br><br>
Now edit /etc/horde/horde3/registry.php again to look like following:<br><br>
kronolith stanza:
'status' => 'active',
menemo mnemo stanza:
'status' => 'active',
Edit /etc/Now configure horde again, for horde/horde3/prefsset $conf[share][no_sharing] to OFF and $conf[share][any_group] ON.php Also, configure the permissions system; add kronolith , turba, mnemo and nag to look like following:<br>the permissions system. For all the aforementioned apps, grant Show and Read permissions for 1) "All Authenticated Users" and 2) "Guest Permissions".<br>twentyFour stanza:<pre>Now every user can configure sharing of his/her calendar, address book, etc. For example, to share one's calendar, select Calendar app, "Manage Calendars" and select the "keys" icon, then check Show and Read permissions for "Guest Permissions". 'value' => true,== SyncML synchronization to mobile phone ===</pre>date_format stanzaThe best thing with the setup, IMHO, is the ability to synchronize all the data to a SyncML capable mobile phone. I use Nokia E51, and the synchronization just works. To setup synchronization on phone, do the following:<pre1. Select Tools => Sync =>'value' Options => New sync profile (don'%Y-%m-%dt copy values). Name the profile as Horde. 2. Select Connection settings and set:* Server version "1.2" (I don't really know what this does,but 1.2 has worked for me)* Server ID "" (substitute your own server here)<* Data bearer "Internet"* Access point "Always ask"* Host address ">rpc.php" (susbsitute your own server)* Port "80"* User name "(your horde username)"* Password "(your horde password)"* Allow sync requests "Yes"* Accept all sync requests "No"* Network authentication "No" 3. From Horde profile menu, select Applications* Select Contacts and set:** Include in sync "Yes"** Remote database "contacts"** Synchronization type "Both ways"* Select Calendar and set:** Include in sync "Yes"** Remote database "calendar"** Synchronization type "Both ways"first_week_day stanza* Select Notes and set:<pre>** Include in sync "Yes"** Remote database "notes"** Synchronization type "Both ways" === Notes: ===* Make sure, php has at least 32 MB'values of memory* Preference system should be used with the ' => '1SQL database',</pre>option